How You Can Help
PHC has been able to make a difference in so many lives with your help through Donations, Volunteers and Fundraisers.

Ways to Donate
Thank You for your donations!
By Mail
Please make cheques
payable to:
People For a Healthy Community
on Gabriola Society
Please mail to:
PO Box 325,
675 North Road,
Gabriola Island, BC
V0R 1X3
In Person
Come see us at our office at:
675 North Road,
on the main floor
of the Commons house
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday
9:30 am – 2:30 pm.
Interac e-Transfers
can be sent to:
Additional Step
Please send an email to the above address with this information:
1. What area you would like the funds to go to
2. Contact information for yourself so we can send you a tax receipt
Pre-Authorized Debit
To make a pre-authorized donation please download and fill out the form.
Please drop off or email completed form to:
Please do not mail cash. We accept cash, cheque or food donations in person only.
*Tax receipts will be mailed at the end of each calendar year.
Other Ways to Give
Leave A Legacy Gift
So many of us are blessed with having lived a life full of challenges and fulfillment. Some of us are in a position where a portion of our estates have not been designated to family or friends. If you are in this situation, please consider a Legacy Gift to PHC. Please consult with the Executive Director, please call the office at 250-247-7311 or email
Grow A Row
If you want to help you can pick up seeds and plant starts for us or if you want to plant and tend a row in your garden and designate some of your own garden's excess produce to PHC we are happy to receive it. We have two gardens and each year we typically produce over 700 lbs of vegetables. This food is given away in the Food Grocery program and in some cases frozen and made into meals for the elementary school hot lunch program.
Bequest In Your Will
If you are ready to go ahead with a bequest to People for a Healthy Community, we recommend that you consult a lawyer. The sample texts below should not be considered legal advice but will help describe what you want to do. Donation of Real Estate Suggested language: “I give to People for a Healthy Community on Gabriola Society, Canadian Charitable Tax #871480190RR0001 , my real property at _______ [insert full street address, city, province and postal code] ___________ (PID # ___________).” Specific bequest (actual amount) Suggested language: “I give to People for a Healthy Community on Gabriola Society, Canadian Charitable Tax #871480190RR0001, the sum of $_______.” Residual bequest (a specific percent of what’s left in your estate) Suggested language: “I give to People for a Healthy Community on Gabriola Society, Canadian Charitable Tax #871480190RR0001, ____% of the rest and remainder of my estate to use as the organization may deem appropriate.”
Make A Tribute Gift
Over the years the tradition of sending flowers to those grieving for the loss of a loved one has changed. Today many people designate a favourite charity whose programs they would like supported with a memorial or tribute gift. If you want to do that, please let your family know and PHC would be honoured to ensure that any financial gifts made to the program of your choice would benefit.
Host An Event
People for a Healthy Community can not by itself raise all the funds we need. If you wish to join the many groups that host events during the year and donate some of the proceeds to a PHC program we would be glad to help and support the event. The Brickyard Beast, Shakespeare in the Park, and various other musical or dance events are some examples.

Grocery Program Donations
Food Donations
Help make each food hamper meet Canada’s Food Guidelines by donating our most needed items.
Non-Perishable Protein • Canned Fruits & Vegetables • Canned Soup • Non-Perishable Snacks •
Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Items
Accepted Foods
We accept non-perishables and perishables.
Don't forget you can also partake in our "Grow a Row" program.
Together, we fight hunger because no one should go hungry.
Cash Donations
Did you know?
Cash donations help us to bulk purchases at a low cost.
For every $1 donated
we can purchase $3 worth
of healthy food!
Skys the Limit Scholarship
The Skys the Limit was founded by the Shawn and Alison owners of the Gulf Island Seaplanes. The scholarship is awarded to a graduating Grade 12 student who is entering a trades training program. Higher education of any kind broadens one's thinking and often their opportunities. Life can be a winding road and there are many different routes to take. "We want to make a difference in the lives of students at the very time that they might need that extra bit of support." Shawn explained.
How to Apply ?
Speak with your school counsellor for more information
Thank You!
Your help does so much for our community!
We rely on our generous donors, volunteers, community partners and organizations. No act of kindness is too small. Every bit helps!