Studies have shown that school food programs help child food insecurity and contribute to:
Higher intakes of fruits and vegetables,
Positive impacts on children’s physical & mental health,
Social connections & academic success

Community Care Program
Community Care provides information and visits to individuals and families who are living with life-changing illnesses, a disability or experiencing age-related challenges. Trained community care volunteers provide companion visiting and support.
or call 250-268-8765

Caregiver Support & Caregiver Support Group
Individual support and a bi-weekly caregiver support group, health care and services navigation for those who provide unpaid care to family and friends who are living with life-limiting illnesses, a disability, or experiencing age-related challenges.
homehospicecommunitycare@phcgabriola.org ​
or call 250-268-8765

Home Hospice Program
Gabriola Home Hospice Program (GHHP) provides compassionate support to those who are experiencing end of life, and their families and friends. Trained home hospice volunteers visit clients and their caregivers. They provide support and assistance in navigating services.
homehospicecommunitycare@phcgabriola.org ​
or call 250-268-8765

Bereavement Support & Grief Circle
Individual support and bi-weekly group meeting for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. The Grief Circle is a small group that meets regularly and offers the space to share grief, mourn loved ones, and find support from others. A resource list with book/video/webinar references is also available
homehospicecommunitycare@phcgabriola.org ​
or call 250-268-8765
For additional information download a pdf of resourses

Taxi Saver Program
In collaboration with the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN), PHC offers taxi saver coupons for 50% discounted taxi travel for seniors and those with disabilities. Please contact the office or come in Monday to Thursday from 9:30am - 3:30pm. This can only be purchased directly from the PHC office 675 North Road (at the Commons - main floor) with cash only.